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The benevolence ministry at Unity helps meet basic domestic needs among those who request help and fulfill the screening process.

Mission Ventures

Mission Ventures provides support for local missional activities, through Unity, with resources and volunteers.

Mission Ventures

Abortion Abolition

Part of Unity’s local ministry includes efforts in support of God-honoring abolition legislation in the state of GA. 


Currently, in the GA state house, there is HB 496, The Prenatal Equal Protection Act of Georgia, which presents treating pre-born homicide as identical to post-born homicide. We believe this is God-honoring legislation that naturally flows out of a biblical worldview and is worthy of our support.


Please contact the leadership team for more details on abolition legislation and how you can help uphold the sanctity of life in the womb.


Mission Element

Mission Element, Inc. (MEI) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that exists to make disciples. With proper preparation, planning, and execution, a mission trip will have impact on the field and on the participant with neither feeling short changed.

Mission Element
Covenant Care Adoptions
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Covenant Care Adoptions

Covenant Care Services is a state-licensed, non-profit Christian adoption and counseling agency founded in 1989 to provide services to birthmothers, children, and families. We are a domestic adoption agency working primarily with birthmothers and families in Georgia.

End Abortion Now

End Abortion Now is a movement dedicated to saving unborn children and proclaiming the Gospel by equipping churches to conduct sidewalk ministry outside abortion centers, lobbying for bills of equal protection in all states, and provide educational content on abortion and legislation to help Christians have a biblical perspective.

End Abortion Now
Caring Solutions

Caring Solutions

Caring Solutions began in 1984 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that delivers compassionate services to women and their partners facing unplanned pregnancies in a nationally accredited healthcare setting. By coming along side each woman with ongoing support initiatives to guide, prepare, and support through each stage of pregnancy, providing education and support until their child is one year old.


India - Great Commission Support

The ministry is lead by Pastor Solomon of Grace Community Baptist Church in the village of Quthbullapur in Hyderabad. Through this congregation we provide helps, training and resources for the purpose of carrying the Gospel message throughout their village and beyond, to make disciples of Christ Jesus that in turn make disciples.


International Leadership Training - Kingdom College

This ministry is existing in a closed country where the work of Christ Jesus’ Kingdom is not only not welcomed but is opposed often with violence. However, God is doing a great work there and this ministry provides not only encouragement by way of meeting needs for our kin in Christ but also in training Pastors and Elders in the ministry. This allows solid congregations to be established and seeing the Great Commission moving forward through this country and beyond.

Int'l Leader Training


This year at Unity, we have a goal of filling and shipping hundreds of OCC boxes! As we gather supplies for filling boxes, use the Online Shopping list link below to stay organized and save a trip to the store.




Ezra Institute

The Ezra Institute is a confessional evangelical think-tank and worldview training organization established in 2009. Our purpose is the preservation and advancement of the truth, freedom, and beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for the renewal of all life and culture.

Ezra equips current and emerging Christian cultural leaders with biblical worldview, Christian philosophy, and cultural apologetics studies.

Through a distinctly Christian philosophy, cultural apologetic, and biblical worldview teaching, Ezra works to bring all human thought and action under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and his Word, re-forming a comprehensive faith that applies to all of life, recovering and exploring the scriptural framework of a Christian mind and social order.

Ezra Institute
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Physical Address:

479 GA Hwy 96, Bonaire GA 31005


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© 2020 by Unity Baptist Church

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